Apr 16, 2011

Late night spelling

As many may see, I tried working on the blog at 4:00 am. My advise, don't do it.
Sorry for all the miss spelled words.

Apr 15, 2011

Some pictures from the Museum

These are jus a few of the pictures I took at the museum, i enjoied the whole day their
This is a long shot of the Apollo 11 suite on display.
This is a training suite worn by many.
I hope all of the people who love space enjoy these pictures 

 We at ARC try to do whatever we can to help keep the vision alive,   I hope all feel the same way I do and pay it forward somehow.whether it be mentoring young adults on critical thinking, or just launching rockets we all have a passion for this. 
I hope this will inspire people to support our space program and the young minds currently in school.


This suite was worn by V.I Grissom Xanders Great Uncle

Apollo 11  patch

Apr 13, 2011


To all who are following my blog, I thank you.
I will be posting pictures of the Museum of science and industry later today.  I forgot the data cable to my phone so I have to wait till I return to Phoenix 

Rick "scratch" McKee
NAR # 87253L3

Apr 10, 2011

Starlight Jayhawk Build Part 24 White Decals

The Starlight kit includes decals, but these were printed on clear decal paper. The stars and bars decal on the wings need a white overcoat when set on the orange background paint.

Someone on TRF (I wish I could find the name to give them proper credit) suggested spraying the decal paper with colored paint.
What a simple, brilliant idea!

We already spray printed decal paper with a clear coat to seal it.
I figured you could spray the sheet white and cut out the underlying white area.

To test this, I found some scrap decal paper and sprayed it gloss white.
You can see I've already started doing the decals.
Here's the white spray test piece transferred onto the orange fin.

It's opaque and pretty thin. This might just work.

First man in space: A 50-year-old feat remembered

STAR CITY, Russia – It was the Soviet Union's own giant leap for mankind, one that would spur a humiliated America to race for the moon. It happened 50 years ago this Tuesday, when an air force pilot named Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.
The 27-year-old cosmonaut's mission lasted just 108 minutes and was fraught with drama: a break in data transmission, glitches involving antennas, a retrorocket and the separation of modules. And there was an overarching question that science had yet to answer: What would weightlessness do to a human being?
"There were all kinds of wild fears that a man could lose his mind in zero gravity, lose his ability to make rational decisions," recalls Oleg Ivanovsky, who oversaw the construction and launch of the Vostok spacecraft that carried Gagarin.