Feb 10, 2011

The Builders corner,All are invited

 I am asking all to please feel free to post anything rocketry here. Let it involve your knowledge of building rockets or support equipment.
This may include jigs that have been designed.
Launch equipment, or links to something that you may like.
I have posted some pictures that I like.
The first is our college bound grasshopper Shon with his scale MLAS,

 The next is a picture of Shon turning the Command Module on the lathe.
We have quite a few pictures of the many projects that we have completed and are currently working on. 

Please goto the builders corner page with your information.

Here is the Mock up of the
 MLAS and Coast skirt

Shon With his MLAS

Tim's scale model drying

Please post any pictures you may have


Feb 7, 2011

weekend project notes

  The weekend was a busy one, with the Super Bowl and all. But the MLAS project was still on the minds of all involved. While we were all together for some football. We took the time to discuss some details of the project. We all decided to build three models of the rocket, one at 8", one at  12", and one at 24" we feel that this will give us some experience with all the "Systems" we need to know. Also it will give us time to perfect the alignment of the 4 motors.  I will update more later today

Rick "SCRATCH" Mckee