Jun 7, 2011

Mlas update 6-7-2-11

  Well here I am finally updating the progress of the half scale MLAS project.

To start I would like to give a shout out to Gordy from Roachworks Machinery, he quickly rendered me a scale pdf for the shroud.  Thank you Gordy for your help with our project.

To start we have completed the CM areas, and are currently working on producing clamps from the glass and screen we have in the shop. We have made a few clamps.
Here in the process
1.      We start with a heave glass matt and a blue foam form or plug.
2.      To this we spray glue to the blue foam and add wax paper
3.      We then mix up some epoxy from Sticky Stuff here in Phoenix, Az.
4.      This is structural epoxy with a 90 minute cure time
5.      We then sandwich a layer of wire mesh in between the two layers of matt.
6.      We then vacuum bag all this and let set of a day.
7.      Remove and trim
8.      Drill the needed holes and you are ready for assembly
9.      The mold is at a 70 degree angle for our build
10.  We then test fit all the parts and save a pieces for testing.

As many of you know we have been working on this project for about a year, we have been in touch with NASA, McDonald Douglas, Lockheed Martian, Go Daddy, and others. We have had a huge amount of help on this project, to all who have helped,   
I say thank you.

            Shon brought the model to the SSS social this past weekend, but there were only three members at this meeting, it seems to me more has to be done to get the membership involved. The membership needs something to make them want to attend the monthly socials. Maybe a contest, Craftsmanship, or scale, a list of parts that can only be used  with a time period, Something that everyone can afford to do.     

We also have been busy melting billets of lead for the weight needed in the nose. This part sucks but it has to happen.  As with the 8 inch model we had to add a far amount of nose weight to make things work like they are intended too.

This flight will be no different, we plan on four K-550s for the two ft model, and these will be canted at the realistic 20 degrees from centerline. Also we plan on having electronics in this flight, controlling the chutes to the shroud and CM parachutes. Guy also has timers we will be using for the coast skirt separation sequence and chute deployment.  

Now that we have the designs from Gordy we will detail the Shroud and get it ready for paint.  The one thing we are making sure of is that we get this project as close to the original as possible. Being that this rocket has only flown once before we feel it is only right to make this as close as we can. 

I also have plans for the new launch pad that we will be using.  these will be in the next updates later this week.
Again, thanks too all who read this

Rick M

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